BFFILMS started in 2003 when a member of the clan Lixas One (LO) took interest in producing a movie showcasing the team's members. SplinterCell, an active member of LO at the time, took charge in organizing time on a server. A simple script was organized and members of LO joined in one summer evening. The medium was EA Game's Battlefield 1942. At first, all was chaos. Missles cursed the sky as the lead chopper attempted a scripted landing. Several explitives later, the first scene of the LO Clan Movie had been recorded using an in-game video recorder. Everyone was so thrilled, the night of filming came to a quick end.
The next night, LO members were at it again. This time, a new-age D-Day was set to take place. The crude scene was rehearsed once and acted out. Again everyone was thrilled at the success. That night, SplinterCell chopped the first two scenes together. It was mediocre quality, the script was unoriginal, and the actors were untrained. Yet, something about the process fascinated him. It was these two scenes that marked the beginning of a filming organization that would promise to make itself known in the gaming community. BFFILMS was born.
The days of LO ended for SplinterCell. Now, it was time to pursue the dream of filming. A young teenager at the time, SplinterCell had all the time in the world to dedicate to gaming. Being a fan of action movies, he decided the first official film made by BFFILMS would be a special ops clip. Using the new updated Desert Combat MOD, SplinterCell and a few gaming buddys jumped in to the plush green countryside of DC Weapon Depots. Again, the script was simple. This time, with more time and more coordination, actors were much more precise. Camera angles were aligned perfectly, and the footage streamed in. The Special Ops Promo became the first official BFFILMS production. It served as promotion for BFFILMS among the Battlefield 1942 gaming community.
During the Fall of 2003, the developers of the Homefront MOD contacted SplinterCell. They wanted to enlist the help of BFFILMS to create a promotion for their up and coming MOD. SplinterCell quickly agreed and they set to work. This time, the developers arranged for their own server and their own team. The script was simple: show off as many cool new features as possible in the promo's short duration. The film was created in one night and the next day: published to sites like Planet Battlefield, TotalBattlefield, BF1942Files, and of course the Homefront website. Within the next few weeks, BFFILMS began to gain popularity.
2004 was HUGE for BFFILMS. SplitnerCell enlisted the help of his younger brother, AngryAmoeba for help. The two young men joined forces and set to work on movie productions for the year ahead. First up, it was time for BFFILMS to gain some creative interest. By this time, many community members began to contact BFFILMS to offer their help in whatever they could get involved with. Among these members were three die-hards that joined BFFILMS elite crew: BulletReaper, AntiHack, and NTCoolFool. The first movie on the docket was a remake of the Fox Pictures production of Behind Enemy Lines. Sound was taken from the movie and the video re-inacted in Battlefield 1942 to replicate the movie. The results were surprisingly good, and BFFILMS gained more popularity points.
The Behind Enemy Lines Remake was a difficult one for the production crew. Countless hours of game MODing, filming, and production were tedious at times. After the film was finished, it was time for the BFFILMS crew to have some fun. The Stunt Film showcased some of the most rediculous talents and game flaws that the actors could find. The BFFILMS crew had alot of fun with this production and so did the, now a solid dedicated, crew.
In the Summer of 2004, one of the developers on the Desert Combat MOD team contacted BFFILMS in search of a movie set to a song made by his buddy's band. BFFILMS was quick to agree and work began on the movie set to the song Pivotal, by HTD. BFFILMS, now becoming more specialized that the filming process, came up with a basic, yet more scipt-based, production. This time, the special ops team had to get in, eliminate the objective, and get out. Voice overs were used and the overall production came out clean. The film was sent to the developer and his buddy's band upon completion.
In the Fall of 2004, BFFILM's biggest break came when the Homefront MOD team was ready for their new updated MOD. Now both BFFILMS and Homefront had gained alot of popularity, and the new promotional movie for the MOD was sure to be a big hit. Again, the script consisted of showing off as many new MOD features as possible. BFFILMS employed a new filming technique for this film. A camcorder was used to film digitally from the computer's video output to eliminate any performance decrease in production. The result was a video in much better quality. The movie was released two weeks before the MODs release and the community jumped on it. In the next two weeks, the movie was downloaded over 100,000 times. Over the next three months, the total download count was raised to over 250,000. The dedicated crew of BFFILMS was thrilled.
In the Winter of 2004, after seeing BFFILMS' success with the Homefront Team, the manager of the gaming league 21st Century Warfare contacted BFFILMS interested in a promo. Of course, BFFILMS agreed without hesitation and began working on a film. The 21CW promo turned out to be one of the better productions made by BFFILMS. Aside from the tens of thousands of downloads, another great offer spawned from the production. The owner of 21CW also was the manager of the website hosting company MyInternetServices. SplinterCell was given a very reasonable deal on a website and BFFILMS got it's own space online, including enough bandwidth to host all of its movies.
At the same time as production of the 21CW promo, the WW2 MOD was interested in a promotional video as well. AngryAmoeba jumped in to help out and took charge in developing the WW2 MOD promo. The promo was successful and joined the other BFFILMS productions in the history of Battlefield 1942 productions.
In 2005, BFFILMS began work on its feature production. The movie was meant to be one of the biggest events in the history of Battlefield 1942 productions. Early 2005 was speant scripting. After several months of scripting had taken place, it was time to start production. A team of about 20 actors was assembled and instructional rehearsals began. After several days of filming, a promotional video was organized. The Lost Hope promotional video was the most professional BFFILMS production to date, and promised to give the community a taste of what was to come in the feature presentation. In the Fall of 2005, SplinterCell encountered a fetal hard drive failure and all footage was lost. Unfortunately, the BFFILMS crew was unable to replace the vital footage that was lost, and the production of Lost Hope came to a bitter end.
In 2006, BFFILMS received a facelift. SplinterCell and AngryAmoeba were anxious to get back into filming. However, Battlefield 1942 was quickly becoming phased out. The two BFFILMS owners searched for another game to replace the classic one they had become accustomed to, but nothing seemed right. BFFILMS became Volatile Production Studios. SplinterCell and AngryAmoeba continued searching for a new project for VpS to take on but nothing surfaced. Instead, their focus turned to production in the real world.
AngryAmoeba, now known as WinterKnoll, became involved a local production company known as Reelo Studios. In the Spring of 2007, their first major production, The Insider, is being concluded. WinterKnoll played one of the main characters in the film. He also took charge of the music score development and other behind the scenes tasks.
SplinterCell, now known as GrassyKnoll, became involved with web design. He continued to update the BFFILMS website as well as continuing on to create his own company, Xero Boundaires LLC. CWT Designs, the design firm owned by Xero Boundaries, produced many high profile sites. GrassyKnoll still continued to hold his interest in film but couldn't find the medium to express his interest. In late spring of 2006, GrassyKnoll helped produce and managed all sounds, video production, and lighting of the Oyster High School Class of 2006 production of Senior Follies. Held at the IOKA Theatre in Exeter, NH, GrassyKnoll enjoyed being involved with film again and having a hand in production. After the show, GrassyKnoll took charge in the production of a DVD of the show. over 75 copies were sold and money was raised to donate to school events. In the Summer of 2007, GrassyKnoll created a local film contest for people interested in film, much like himself. The local contest gives amateur film-makers a chance to make their own short clips and have them judged against other teams.
In the late Spring of 2007, BFFILMS announced its innactivity to the rest of the community. This time gave everyone a chance to look back on the accomplishments of BFFILMS and to the good old days of gaming. The time came for the BFFILMS crew to move on to bigger and better things. The 4 year period will never be forgotten by the crew of BFFILMS as a time of magnificent fun and creativity through the simple medium of online computer games. The BFFILMS crew lives on through the movies it has produced, and the crew remains dedicated to the production of movies in the interest of the community, not in the interest of profiting.
BFFILMS would like the thank the community for the dedication to our projects.
Everyone at BFFILMS |